Is There a Science Behind Program Design?

In a word, yes! It’s true. Program design done right is invaluable! You’ve likely seen countless workouts promising to be “the one” to deliver amazing results.  Many are scientifically unsupported programs that can do more harm than good but they are packaged with sizzle to attract the individual looking for a promising solution.

So what is different about NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) and their evidence-based OPT (Optimal Performance Training) model? Everything is research based and scientifically proven.  With OPT, program design is clearly defined as “a purposeful system or plan put together to help an individual achieve a specific goal.”

And that’s what functional training is all about...programming with a purpose! So what does the science and research help us do? It allows us to safely and effectively provide a path for clients to achieve specific goals. 

In order to get results, your program needs to be both progressive and systematic. Starting with an assessment and proper goal setting, correct program design promises to deliver. It really does make a difference! Let science guide the way to long-term success!


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